Sunday 29 March 2020

Rocco: To accompany the Fallen Angel Series (Fallen Angel) by Tracie Podger

Naples, Italy, the late 60’s – A young man witnesses the abduction of his father and brother.

Rome, Italy, present day – A very powerful old man and head of the largest crime organisation in the world, tells his story.

This is a story of young love, of dreams and hopes for a future not possible. This is a story of the darkest anger, the deepest love and crushing regret.

This is the story of Rocco

Contemporary Romance for readers over the age of 18

This novella is to accompany the bestselling Fallen Angel Series

I've been wanting to read this novella for a while and now I have, OMG Tracie Podger can certainly spin a story of olden. 

Rocco is a young man who's never done anything wrong before being introduced to the Mafia due to what happened to his father and brother. Now roll on 50 odd years and Rocco is ready to tell his story about the hardships and how he became the head of a crime family that has clout. Also tells the story of a love lost due to family feuds. 

I loved Rocco and what he stood for. FAMILY isn't just blood but everyone who is willing to stand by you.

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