Sunday 22 April 2018

Baked with Love: The hotly awaited sequel to The Girl I Was Before (Lily McDermott Series Book 2) by Izzy Bayliss

Lily McDermott is back! 
The hotly awaited sequel to The Girl I Was Before 

Everything is going great for Lily. She and Sam are more in love than ever and she is about to open her very own bakery but she soon discovers that no matter how much time you spend perfecting delicate pastries, running your own business isn’t always easy. When Sam announces he has to move to New York for work, Lily is miserable but when he surprises her with a proposal life is perfect, right? 
But Lily finds it hard to let go of old hurts and when Sam eventually loses patience, Lily is left devastated. 
Can Lily finally learn to leave the past in the past or will she let it ruin the future for her? 

"A perfect, heart-warming romance.” 

I want to thank Izzy Bayliss for writing a superb sequel to The Girl I Was Before. 

I found the sequel to be as good as the 1st book. It brought laughter and insight into brilliant characters. Lily now has her own bakery called Baked With Love. It starts off really slow (not the book the bakery lol) like all businesses, but she still has the awful and interferring ex husband Marc, her meddling sister Clara, her delightful father Hugh (who I adore), her best friend Frankie (who is a scream at the best of times) and Sam (who is so lush). More hilarious antics and things that Lily gets up to. She has some things going on and the poor woman never knows if she is coming or going lol.

Can't wait to see if Izzy Bayliss will do more for Lily McDermott and gang as we follow her life.

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